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  1. What response does Holden want to get from Mrs. Morrow by calling himself Rudolf Schmidt? By telling her he has a brain tumor? By praising her son Ernest?


  1. What is humorous about chapter 8, the train to New York?What  do we learn  about Holden’s feelings toward money?


  1. Holden is very aware of the way he acts and of his own identity. Cite two examples of explanations he gives for his behavior.


  1. Why does Holden want to give Faith Cavendish a phony name over the phone? What does her character represent (symbolise)? Consider his interaction with her.


  1. Explain Holden’s relationship with Jane. In his description of Jane, what characteristics does Holden point out about Jane that are also true of Phoebe? what characteristics make Phoebe so important to Holden.


  1. Why does Holden allow Maurice to send the prostitute to his room? How does Holden excuse his agreeing to meet a prostitute?   Explain what happens between Holden and the prostitute. What does this scene tell us about Holden?  What does Holden’s pseudonym indicate about his insecurities?   What comment shows Holden’s sensitivity to language?


  1. Name five things Holden finds irritating about Sally Hayes. Describe their relationship?


  1. What do suitcases symbolize for Holden? Why do they disturb him?










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